International Falls Public Schools is seeking applications for a full time Payroll Benefits Coordinator. Job posting can be found under Employment Opportunities. Starting hourly wage is $20.66/hr.
Bronco Families - Attendance Matters!
Falls High School is hiring an Assistant Boys Hockey Coach. Please mail, email, fax or drop off you application!
Parent Teacher Conferences will be Monday, Oct. 10 and Wednesday, Oct. 12 from 5:00-8:00 pm
Mike Bellos will give the ASVAB interpretation to students that took the ASVAB this year on Monday, October 24th from 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. in room 226 (health room). Bring your chromebooks to hook up to the internet.
International Falls Bronco Families - Below is the link for the new Home/School Attendance Newsletter for October. Please take a moment to read the positive school attendance news as we make school attendance and family education one of our goals for the 22/23 school year! October Home/School Attendance Newsletter -
ISD 361 has several employment opportunities available!!!
Visit out website, Employment opportunities, Open Positions.
Reminder - Come out to the game and support the football team and cheerleaders along with FHS royalty.
Falls Elementary is hiring a Family Home Interventionist
Falls High School is hiring a Café Helper
6 hours a day, $14.72 an hour
FHS is hiring!
Starting in October application fees are waived for students planning on attending a Minnesota State College or University. If you are thinking about heading off to further your education after high school now is the time to apply. When you apply you are not committed to attending the university but the application starts the process for colleges to contact you concerning scholarships, financial aid and programs. It is suggested that you apply to more than one college because different colleges will offer you different financial packages so you know how much college will cost you out of pocket. Once you know how much and what the college offers you are free to accept their offer. It is at this time that you are committing to attend their establishment.
ISD 361 Parents, Guardians, and Staff,
Law Enforcement was notified of an active shooter at Falls High School this afternoon and immediately contacted the high school to lock down. Falls Elementary was also locked down. Resource officer was in the building and immediately went to the location that was reported and was backed up by city, county, and other agencies very quickly. I thank all the responding agencies. Room by room Falls High School was cleared and then released to the arena. Once the building was cleared, we allowed student to be picked up and leave. We apologize for the agonizing wait, but need to assure the area is safe and coordinate the release. Buildings were again checked following the release of students and are now open for activities if coaches and advisors want to practice. Students are allowed to come and get any items from lockers and custodians will let students into classrooms if they need items out of classrooms. School will run as usual on Thursday, September 22. We are being informed by law enforcement that there were other schools across the state that received the same threat or hoax. Thank you for your patience. - Superintendent Kevin Grover
Parents are now able to approach FHS student parking lot and approach the arena to pick up high school students or Falls Elementary to pick up their elementary children. Buses will pick up students after and go about normal delivery.
Parents are now able to approach FHS student parking lot and approach the arena to pick up high school students or Falls Elementary to pick up their elementary children. Buses will pick up students after and go about normal delivery.
Falls High School is locked down due to a call that came into law enforcement of a shooter at Falls High School. There have been no shots and there are no signs of a shooter. Law enforcement is clearing Falls High School room by room to the Arena and we will dismiss from there once we are cleared. Falls Elementary is locked down as a preventative measure. Another message will come when parents are able to come to the arena or elementary to pick students up. Buses will be running if students are to ride a bus.
ISD 361 is hiring!! Go to our website @ and click on Employment Opportunities to see what is available! Any questions please call Kendra Bennett 218-283-2571 ext 1149.
Errin Jordan from Northern Michigan University will be here on Oct. 18 at 8:30am to discuss NMU with anyone that might be interested - sign up sheets are in the Guidance Office.
Coming Home for Homecoming is NEXT WEEK!!
September 26th - September 30th with The Homecoming Dance on Saturday, October 1st.
Here is all the information you need to know!
To obtain your transcript from Falls High School, please email Josie Toninato at