District Strategic Roadmap

District Mission: Our Core Purpose
Through intentional partnership with parents and the community, the International Falls School District prepares every student to become a contributing citizen by developing their maximum potential within a safe and inclusive climate of mutual respect and trust.
Vision: What We Intend to Create
Through high quality staff, International Falls School District is a model of excellence in academics, life skills, student activities and district operations.
Core Values: Drives of Our Actions
Respect: Successful teaching and learning requires collaboration between the home, school, and the community.
Partnership: Achieving more together than alone.
Students First: All students have the right to quality education through caring professionals.
Achievement and Growth: All students can learn, and each is given tools to be successful.
Strategic Directions: Focus
A.) Improving systems and structures to create a culture where all are welcome and supported.
B.) Implementing data-driven teaching practices and staff collaboration to increase student academic success.
C.) Maintain our facilities to be welcoming, safe, and efficient for use by students and the community.
D.) Increasing family and community engagement in student learning and school experiences through improved communication and collaboration.
Desired Daily Experiences
I am in an environment where diversity (in culture and identity) is not only accepted, but embraced, and bullying is not tolerated
I am able to freely express myself, my identity, and my relationships at school.
My education is more than just lectures and worksheets. It is inclusive, meets my learning style, and includes experiences outside of the classroom.
I have time and support to complete my work during the school day.
I have a safe, clean, functional environment to rest, study, change, and go to the bathroom. I have access to these places when I need to.
I have access to foods that I enjoy and support my dietary needs.
I belong to an activities culture that is supported, diverse, and is flexible with my school and outside commitments. I have the opportunity to earn academic credit for my involvement.
I am able to transition between classes and areas efficiently and without conflict.
I have access to my personal technology to connect or disconnect with the world.
The school facilities are accessible to me outside of school hours.
I feel supported by colleagues, administration, families & community in a school that is inclusive and prioritizes equity for all students and staff.
My input is sought after, matters, and is valued.
I have the appropriate time, training, and resources to prepare for my assignment (learning plans, curriculum, programs, technology, tools, etc.)
Our students' needs are met with the support of understanding, qualified staff.
I have clear and consistent communication about key events and actions, with direct communication to individual staff where appropriate.
I work in a clean, safe, and functioning building/office.
My students are held accountable for their actions in a healthy, educational way, and I am aware of the outcome when appropriate.
I have resources, support, and qualified backup staff to support myself and my students.
My students will graduate with the skills and knowledge necessary to be successful in their chosen career path.
My child has the opportunity to participate in a variety of courses and extracurricular activities that support their social, emotional well-being through supportive teachers, coaches, and on inclusive teams.
I can easily access necessary information pertaining to my child's education. I receive consistent communication from my child's teacher, school, and district.
I am confident my child is safe, cared for, and supported academically, socially, and emotionally.
My child's school experience will include family, community, and positive peer support.
I know that there is a proactive, consistent, and age-appropriate approach to behavior expectations and discipline procedures.
I am informed and connected to my child's education.
My child's school has a positive culture that promotes inclusivity and provides an excellent education.
My child is transported safely and efficiently to and from school.
My child's school and playground is safe, clean, functional, and well-maintained. I am confident that my child's school has comprehensive safety protocols set in place.